Plant Search » List of Botanically Intriguing Plants
Allium scorodoprasum 'Art' is a zany and unique ornamental onion with open flower heads of magenta-red florets and little bulbils!
Allium 'Passion' is cool, zany, and unique with open flower heads of magenta-red florets and little bulbils!
Allium 'Blue Eddy' has twisty and twirly bluish foliage topped in late summer with lavender pink spheres. A great ornamental onion for the sun garden.
Allium 'Pink Planet' has bluish-green, twisting foliage and dense balls of silver-pink flowers in late summer.
Allium sphaerocephalon has two inch wide oval flower heads, green in bud, slowly turning a deep maroon and then deep pink.
Allium stipitatum 'White Giant' is the tallest of the white ornamental onions with huge 6-8 inch wide, pure white spheres.
Allium tanguticum 'Summer Beauty' blooms in mid to late summer with numerous spheres of lavender-pink flowers popular with pollinators.
Allium triquetrum, three-cornered leek, is a rare, edible species tolerant of shade with loose clusters of white, bell-shaped flowers.
Allium vineale 'Hair' looks like it was created by Dr Seuss. Or like it stuck its finger in the electrical socket!
Allium 'Ambassador' has fantastic six inch spheres on tall stems like magenta-purple balloons floating above the June garden.
Allium 'Beau Regard' is a gargantuan ornamental onion with lavender-purple spheres up to 8-10 inches across on stems 3-4 feet tall!
Allium 'Cameleon' has charming, playful flower heads that emerge dusky pink and fade to white with pink veining.
The impressive Allium ‘Dutchman’ can produce lavender purple spheres up to 8 inches across on stems 2-3 feet high.
Allium 'Gladiator' has large, fragrant lavender-purple spheres the size of soft balls on 3-4 foot stems.
Allium ‘Globemaster’ is one of the best ornamental onions with sparkling silvery pinkish purple softball to volleyball sized flowers.
Allium 'His Excellency' grows to 3-4 feet tall with large, 5-6 inch, violet-purple spheres.
Allium 'In Orbit' is an ornamental onion that forms 3 inch wide drumstick spheres of lavender-purple.
Allium 'Lucy Ball' has huge, tightly packed 6 inch wide flower heads hover above the summer garden.
Allium 'Magic' is an ornamental onion with half spheres of bold magenta-purple flowers.
Allium 'Medusa forms rounded clusters of light amethyst purple flowers that rise above low mounds of grey-green, twisty foliage.
Allium 'Medusa's Hair' is an ornamental onion with snake-like, green foliage and purple flower spheres.
Allium 'Metallic Shine' makes spectacular, metallic purple blooms 10-12 inches wide composed of hundreds of loose, star shaped flowers.
Allium 'Millenium' forms fantastic two inch spheres on tall stems like rose-purple balloons floating in the summer garden.
Allium 'Mont Blanc' has large, white spheres the size of baseballs on 3-4 foot stems.
Allium 'Mount Everest' is a vigorous, long-lasting cultivar with white, baseball-sized spheres atop three foot tall stems.