Plant Search » Plants for Butterflies
Spiraea douglasii or hardhack is a BC native offering very showing spires of pink pink fuzzy flowers popular with pollinators.
Spirea japonica 'Double Play Gold' is a cold-hardy, multi-stemmed shrub with pink flowers and golden-green foliage.
Spiraea 'Ogon' is a stunning and very hardy deciduous shrub with golden, willowy leaves and pure white flowers in spring.
Stachys monieri 'Hummelo' is the Perennial Plant of the Year for 2019 with attractive textured leaves and spikes of lavender rose pink flowers in early to mid summer.
Stachys spathulata (S. minima) is like a darling dwarf version of 'Hummelo' with attractive foliage and darling spikes of lavender pink.
Stachys 'Lilac Falls' grows as spreading mounds of lush foliage topped for months with short spikes of lilac pink flowers.
Stemmacantha centaureoides is a dramatic perennial silver-green, cardoon-like foliage and thistle-like lavender-pink flowers from shiny light brown bracts.
Streptocarpus Ladyslippers 'Red Bicolor" is a relative of the African violet with bi-color blooms of red and pink.
Succisa pratensis, known as blue buttons or devil's-bit scabious, is a perennial wildflower with globular, purple pincushions.
Symphoricarpos albus, the common snowberry, is a lovely BC native shrub with clusters of pure ivory white berries.
Symphytum x uplandicum 'Axminster Gold' is a vigorous, variegated comfrey that produces clusters of mauve-pink and blue flowers.
Syringa meyeri Flowerfesta Pink is a reblooming, dwarf lilac producing larger-than-average pink, very fragrant, dense panicles.
Syringa meyeri Flowerfesta Purple is a reblooming, dwarf lilac producing larger-than-average purple, very fragrant, dense panicles.
Syringa meyeri Flowerfesta White is a reblooming, dwarf lilac producing larger-than-average white, very fragrant, dense panicles.
Syringa meyeri 'Pearl Potion' is a cold-hardy, compact lilac with pink buds and pure white fragrant flowers.
Syringa vulgaris 'Congo' has warm purple buds opening to lavender flowers.
Syringa vulgaris 'Edward J. Gardner' has unusual pink flowers.
Syringa vulgaris 'Krasavitsa Moskvy' has lavender-pink buds opening to pure white flowers.
Syringa vulgaris 'Mme Lemoine' is the classic white lilac with icy white blooms.
Syringa vulgaris New Age Lavender grows to just 5 feet with pink buds opening to fragrant lavender flowers.
Syringa vulgaris New Age White grows to just 5 feet high with cream buds opening to white fragrant flowers.
Syringa vulgaris 'Primose' has creamy white almost yellowish blooms.
Syringa vulgaris 'Sensation' has warm purple flowers with white edges.
Syringa Bloomerang Dark Purple is a reblooming lilac producing large, deep-purple, very fragrant, dense panicles.
Syringa Bloomerang 'Dwarf Pink' is a dwarf, reblooming lilac with large, densely packed panicles of fragrant, rich pink tubular flowers.