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Hydrangea quercifolia Snow Queen


Hydrangea quercifolia Snow Queen is a classic oakleaf hydrangea with large, elongated heads of pure white florets.

Oakleaf hydrangea (H. quercifolia) is a slow growing shrub of great beauty and one of the few hydrangeas not native to Asia in this case hailing from the southeastern US. Snow Queen is a superior cultivar with elongated panicles of large white florets and great fall colour in reds, maroons and purples. The conical white panicles produced in late spring grace the plants all summer and tinge pink as they age. Drought tolerant. Cultivar name: 'Flemygea'.

Common Name: Oakleaf Hydrangea - [Hydrangea Pre-Order]

Family: Hydrangaceae (The Hydrangea Family)

Zone Hardiness: 5-9

Light: Part Shade, Part Sun, Full Sun

Height: 2-4'

Width: 2-3'

Primary Bloom Colour: White/Cream

Secondary Bloom Colour: Pink

Class: Deciduous

Type: Shrub

Bloom Time: Summer - Fall

Soil Moisture: Average, Dry

Stem Colour:

Fragrance: No



Deer Resistant: Unknown

BC Native: No

Native Habitat: Mixed hardwood forests, along streams and on forested hillsides, usually on calcareous soils, and often where limestone is at the ground surface. An understorey shrub, often in the shade of large oaks, hickories, magnolias, and American beech.

Award: AGM

Geogrpahical Origin: Americas - North America

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