Plant Search » List of Hardy Subtropical Plants
Rhododendron 'Boule de Neige" midseason flowers are pure white.
Rhododendron 'Bubblegum' has larger flowers than it’s predecessor and makes a terrific show.
Rhododendron 'Cody' has frilly-edged pink flowers, pale yellow overlaid with moderate purplish pink at edges.
Rhododendron 'Florence Parks' produces abundant whorls of attractive deep purple flowers.
Rhododendron 'Holden's Solar Flair' has medium-large, creamy-yellow flowers, with showy red marks in the throat.
Rhododendron 'Nancy Evans' has orange-red buds open to yellow hose-in-hose blossoms in mid-season.
Rhododendron 'Neon' has a vivid orangey-peach with a yellow throat, dark leaves, and compact growing to boot!
Rhododendron 'Percy Wiseman' has rare peach-colored blossoms that appear in midseason.
Rhododendron 'Polarnacht' has frilly deep dark purple blooms with spotted red throats are held in trusses of 12-14.
Rhododendron 'Purple Passion' has regal, deep reddish purple blooms highlighted with white and delicate maroon spots.
Rohdea japonica is a beautiful and useful evergreen, subtropical-looking perennial from Asia tolerant of dry shade.
Romneya coulteri or Matilija poppy has incredible, crepe-paper thin, pure white petals with large yellow centres atop bluish foliage!
Roscoea alpina is a cool ginger relative with orchid-like light purple flowers.
Roscoea cautleyoides 'Jeffrey Thomas' has pale yellow flowers with a particularly large flower lip.
Roscoea ‘Brown Peacock' has orchid-like, lavender flowers on top of purple-brown stalks with clasping green leaves that are red-flushed beneath.
Roscoea purpurea 'Cinnamon Stick' has blood red stems that ascend to bronzed leaves and large, orchid-like lavender flowers.
Roscoea ‘Spice Island' has lavender purple, orchid-like flowers on top of deep red stalks.
Roscoea x beesiana has white to pale cream orchid-like flowers with varying amounts of purple streaking.